Michigan cat shelter needed their website, logo, and entire brand re-vamped as their prior one was quite outdated. I worked on the entire branding project from the beginning, first designing their logo, then social media ads and then eventually their website. It was very important to them that their website be viewable on computer/tablet/mobile, as their old website was not mobile friendly.

Web Design

cat shelter_website mockup-PORTWEB_no background.png
michigan cat shelter_web_mobile_BIG-PORTWEB.png
third eye yoga_website_WEBPORT_no background.png

 Third Eye Yoga needed a branded social media campaign, logo, and website because they wanted to get more traction on the Metro-Detroit area yoga scene. It was important to them to have deep purples (as it is the color of the third chakra, and the name of their studio) and to have watercolor texture effects throughout, as they had chosen me to be their designer after seeing some of the watercolors I have made.


Social Media Ad Campaigns


Editorial Design